
Orleans Milk Bag Project

Page history last edited by B Eade 8 years, 7 months ago

We are a non-denomination group but we do get great support from the Chapel Hill Ward congregation where we meet in the cultural hall of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at 6255 Cumorah Drive, Orleans (just off of Orleans Blvd).   Please email or check facebook for the date and times of the next meeting.   Email Danielle at dduvalconway@gmail.com  or https://www.facebook.com/groups/HelpingHandsOttawaEast/ 


click here for map 


We welcome everyone!

We teach every aspect from flattening the bags to crocheting them into mats and layette bags.


Our group has been active since January 2011 and continues to grow.  We have already made so many friends and so many mats that we have lost count  but know for sure that we have made:


more than 500 mats and 100 crocheted bags and 23 hygiene kits and 60 cloth bags and 50 knitted teddy bears!!!



Orleans Group Photo Jan 2012.pdf  


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